Looking for an editor to proofread and line edit your novel? Or proofread your grant proposal? How about edit your fanfic?
I've got 15 years of experience as a freelancer writer, author and editor. I've edited many novels of various genres--some that were recently acquired by literary agents.
I'd love to help you on your journey to publication! Here are some of the things I offer:
Line editing
- fix basic errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar
- eliminate oddities in jargon, reduce extra word count
- keep a consistent flow and style
- make sure your work is style and voice appropriate for your desired audience
This is when you feel confident with your story and are ready for a detailed and thorough final polish.
Developmental feedback and critique
- I'll read and provide notes on story, setting, pacing, characters, dialogue, description and plot issues.
This package is when your manuscript is in good shape, but you might struggle with certain scenes or with the flow of the novel.
Beta read
A quick but thorough read that provides big picture notes (no edits) about plot, pacing, character and craft.
I'm open to critique and edit any kind of work from picture book to adult novel. Turnaround time is 2-4 weeks from receipt of payment which I accept via PayPal with half up front and the other half on delivery.
Query letter help
I'll create a brand new query letter for you after receiving a summary of your book and anything you might want included in your author bio, or I'll edit your existing query letter.
Consultations & mentoring
I love helping new writers! Whether you're pre-published, self-pubbed or have a book coming out with a big house, I'm here to help. I offer sessions for 30 minutes and 60 minutes to answer questions and walk you through topics such as promotion and marketing, writing, editing, creating a great Web presence and more!
Ready to chat about your needs? Send me an e-mail to jessicaburkhartediting AT gmail DOT com. Can't wait to hear from you!
Promotion and marketing
I've worked with over a dozen authors--both self-published and traditionally published--to put together custom promotion and marketing plans for their books. E-mail me for details about my different plans!